Friday, June 18, 2010

The first one's a doozy!

So they say the first one is the hardest, so here we go.
Like my profile states I'm a stay at home Mom to a 3 year old boy and a pretty new baby girl. I love them more than I ever knew I was capable of. I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

As for my blog I'm not sure what real direction I'm going in. Is it day to day? Cooking adventures? Do-it-yourself adventures? I'm just now sure. Hopefully you all will follow along as I get settled.
As for the name "juice box jungle", my life is dance and right now that's the tune!


  1. I am so proud to be your first follower! Excited to go on the journey with you. I know you'll be fun to follow along with! So much in common!
